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🖤Barnaúlpa frá UHIP / grá og bleik

5.500 kr 13.500 kr

Uhip barnaúlpurnar eru hannaðar fyrir börn og táninga sem vilja vera úti og hreyfa sig eða fara á hestbak. Úlpan heldur vel hita yfir vetrarmánuðina en truflar ekki hreyfigetu og hentar því vel til að stunda alhliða útivist við íslenskar aðstæður. Hún er einangruð með gervidún sem heldur líkamanum hlýjum og þurrum. Hettuna er hægt að fjarlægja og setja aftur á með smellum. Á ermunum er möguleiki til að lengja ermarnar og gera úr þeim vatnshelda og vermandi hlíf fyrir fingur - en þessi hönnun á ermum er einstök fyrir UHIP útivistarfatnaðinn.

Frekari upplýsingar á ensku:

Jacket junior is a riding jacket for kids. Manufactured with carefully chosen material providing superb thermal properties, equal the thermal properties a down jacket is providing. The thermal jacket junior is designed so that the kids or the junior can do what they love the most without anything hindering their mobility or the ability to be outdoors no matter weather.

About our family Junior/kids
Uhip kids/junior collection are for the youngest who are spending a lot of time outside, and needs functional wear to keep them warm and dry all day long.

The kids/junior family consists of a jacket and a matching thermal skirt together with a long jacket.

When shall you choose Junior/kids
Our garments in the kids/junior family are the those who prefer a garment that stands for flexibility and freedom of movement for the kid on the go.

It’s also for those who prefer functionalities that enables both warmth in the saddle as well as around the stable.

About the sizes
The long jacket is manufactured for freedom of movement and our idea is that there shall be enough space underneath to fit a middle layer or a fleece jacket. Space is also important for the functionality as the body heat is warming up the space and makes sure that the insulation works at it’s best. Make sure not to choose a to small size.

The measure around the chest and upper back is:
Size 150: 94 cm
Size 160: 98 cm

The measure around the waist is:
Size 150: 86 cm
Size 160: 87 cm

About the colour Nine Iron
Steel grey with a pink inside


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